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Advancements in Cancer Research: Progress and Potential Breakthroughs

May 11, 2023

Promising Cancer Advancements to Know About


A cancer diagnosis is always scary, but it’s not necessarily as threatening as it used to be. There have been a lot of significant cancer breakthroughs in the past decade, and many types of cancer are very treatable now. Staying up to date on the latest cancer advancements makes it easier for cancer patients to prepare for their future. Here are some of the most promising advancements to expect in the near future.


DNA Sequencing Provides Insight Into How Cancer Works


Thanks to the relative ease and affordability of modern DNA sequencing, researchers now have access to a lot of new information about cancer. For example, a massive project at the Cambridge University Hospitals of England project sequenced genomic data from over 12,000 patients. It was able to identify 58 new mutations linked to specific causes of cancer like smoking. In addition to helping scientists understand where cancer comes from, cancer genomics can also provide ideas for future cancer treatments. Since certain types of cancer are more susceptible to certain treatments, identifying the genes of any given tumor provides tips for how to cure it.


Many of the Latest Cancer Treatments Focus on Targeted Therapy


For many years, oncology treatments had to damage the entire body just to destroy cancer cells. Targeted therapy provides a new way of treating cancer. It involves identifying the genes or proteins associated with a patient’s specific type of cancer and creating a treatment that only attacks those markers. Targeted therapy can be a great way to keep the rest of the body healthy during cancer treatment. Because it’s so safe and effective, it’s becoming one of the most popular options for future cancer treatments. Some common types of targeted therapy include:

  • Bevacizumab for brain, lung, and colon cancer
  • Sorafenib for kidney and liver cancer
  • Lapatinib for breast cancer
  • Crizotinib for lung cancer

Artificial Intelligence Screenings May Be the Future of Oncology


Artificial intelligence (AI) has some promising implications for healthcare. Though AI isn’t reliable enough for actual patient care, it can do an excellent job of screening patients and flagging potential warning signs. For example, studies have found that AI can be useful for identifying cancer on X-rays without requiring imaging experts to analyze the images closely. Another exciting project by MIT found that AI could analyze risk factors on a CT scan and accurately predict whether patients would develop lung cancer in the next six years. This cancer breakthrough can save time for cancer care providers and ensure more cancers are caught before they spread.


New Diagnostic Tool May Revolutionize Pancreatic Cancer Treatment


For many years, pancreatic cancer has been one of the most dangerous forms of cancer. It has almost no symptoms at first, so patients don’t usually get diagnosed until the cancer has already metastasized. Fortunately, this might be about to change soon. A University of California San Diego School of Medicine project helped to create a test that can quickly and accurately detect early pancreatic cancer. When caught in the early stages, patients can use surgery to remove the infected portion of the pancreas and reduce the risk of the cancer spreading.


CAR-T-Cell Cancer Advancements Provide Long-Lasting Remission


CAR-T-cell therapy is one of the most novel forms of cancer treatment. It involves altering the T-cells that the body naturally uses to fight off cancer and disease. In CAR-T-cell therapy, T-cells are altered to produce chimeric antigen receptors (CARs). These proteins automatically identify and kill cancerous cells. Once the modified T-cells are added back to the body, they can seek out and destroy cancer. CAR-T-cell therapy has been around for over a decade, but its safety and effectiveness weren’t fully understood until recently. 2022 research found that the earliest CAR-T-cell therapy patients are still healthy and in remission, and these findings open the way for more patients to get this therapy. In the future of oncology, CAR-T-cell therapy may go from a treatment of last resort to a more common choice.


Ultimately, all of these advancements provide new hope for cancer patients. Thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, formerly incurable forms of cancer can be treated. Innovative cancer care has the potential to expand patient lifespans and improve their quality of life. Verdi Oncology is proud to be at the forefront of cancer treatment. Their oncology team focuses on finding revolutionary care with proven efficacy. To learn more about Verdi Oncology’s services, fill out this contact form now.